Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nimota Ranger X 150

Pak Din's ride

As far as I am concern, Nimota Ranger X is a good bike with good 190cc engine. It is declared as 150cc because of some reasons, people say it will cost cheaper when dealing with the road tax and insurance of the bike. My opinion Nimota Ranger X is a scrambler with big size that comes with great weight. A small guy like me would face difficulties to lift it when going for hard trails or tracks but guys out there with big body will not facing any problems when it comes to the same situation. People say that Nimota is easier to be tuned rather than Demak DTM because of its engine capacity and specifications.

MPT's ride

Some like it as supermoto and some like it as a trail and track machine and I think both are equally awesome. The stock would come with 17 rear and 19 inches front rims with stock dual purpose tires. Normally Nimota riders would upgrade the rear sprocket to a higher number to get a good pick up especially when dealing with trails and tracks.

MPT & Pak Din in actions with their factory Nimota Ranger X


  1. Nimota tu pakai tayar offroad size rim nimota original ke?

  2. yes bro, mmg pakai rim stock.. cuma tayar je tukar offroad..

  3. so far xde cerewet sgt bro.. parts pun bnyk bley kacuk..

    1. sama la ay pon ngah cari gigi utk starter.. starter ok.. cuma gugi sebelah magnet tu takde

    2. sama la ay pon ngah cari gigi utk starter.. starter ok.. cuma gugi sebelah magnet tu takde

    3. search kt fb Jeffery Weng.. majoriti sume parts ade.. lgpun bnyk parts lain yg bley kacuk..

    4. Rim depan tayar offroad pakai saiz ape.

      Kalau pakai 100/90/19
      Blh tk..

  4. yup btl 2 owg ats..aq pn pkai nimota 150 trnyate trbukti kelasakan nye..

  5. saya baru ambil nimota ranger x , boleh share mcmmana nak kasi laju atas highway?

  6. Nimota nih boleh ke bawak long distance on road ?

    1. so far xde prob pun sy bwk long distance.. machine sy stended xde usik ape juz makeup luar jek..
